Wednesday, July 10, 2013

All Things Considered

“An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered.”
Can’t for the life of me recall who said it first, but they were right. The thing is, I find it all too easy to “wrongly consider” the adventures that come my way. Fortunately, the Lord provides opportunities to practice right consideration and find the enjoyment and moments of light in the midst of spontaneous adventure.
For example: At the moment, I am hanging out in the terminal at Taipei airport. Thirty hours and counting. Three planes. I don’t know how many time zones. I’ve slept, ate, read books, watched movies, made frantic calls to re-arrange flights after delayed connections, and made some new friends. And i’m still smiling. I cannot deny that I have shed a few tears of frustration and weariness along the way, but all in all, I have no regrets and I wouldn’t change a thing. Though by the time my next flight boards in about ten hours, I may have other thoughts. We’ll see....
Fun Fact: Taipei airport has a library in Terminal 2. A real library. With real shelves, full of real paper books. How awesome is that?!?

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